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Normalise a culture of mission.
Integrate opportunities, tools and the value of reaching communities into your growth model.
Address the barriers that block fruitfulness.
Allow people to experience abundant life.
Only full hearts fuel mission. Build in experiences, relationships and content that transforms.
Address the barriers that block freedom.

We need a model that informs what tools, people and techniques will grow our people.
The ​Growth Track will show:
How to catalyse growth in formation & mission.
The two common barriers to spiritual growth.
How to develop a missional formation calendar for your church.
Understand the growth process God has us all on.
How to contextualise the model in your setting.
The Growth Track provides:
A biblical framework:
Scripture provides a consistent pattern for how God grows us. And the New Testament is clear that the local body of believers plays a vital role in that process. By knowing what God, the church, and the disciple are responsible for in the process, we can better grow multiplying and healthy disciples.
A comprehensive model:
Discipleship is about more than teaching people what to think and do - it is a whole-person, life giving journey of head, heart and hands.
Insight into seasons and barriers of growth:
Whether it is forty days (Jesus), forty years (Hebrew nation) or anywhere in between, the cyclical pathway is one of growing intimacy and empowerment with God. By cooperating with the areas where God wants to bring us life, we grow further and faster.
Team tools for creating your own Growth Track:
We provide a simple process for creating a Growth Track that will suit your context.
Download the Workbook here. It contains discussion questions for your team, and a three-step process for designing your own Growth Track.
Implementation Workshops
Book in or join a workshop for your team to embed your own Growth Track in your church.
* Options
1 day workshops
4 session learning workshops (9am-4:30pm).
Workshop Options:
Creating your own Growth Track
Running ConneXa courses in your church
2 day workshops
8 session learning workshops.
Workshop Options:
Extended Growth Track consult (incl. courses)
Strategic Planning for your church
Leaders who S.E.R.V.E. Team Training
Prayer Ministry Training

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